Monday, April 9, 2012

Ready set GO.

Fertility/Infertility is a MESS.

i've wanted to write this post for awhile now. But, every time i started writing i'd end up deleting it and saying i'd start another day.

Blah.. that's how's it's felt.

Well here goes nothing and or everything?!?!
So as you may or may not know i haven't had health insurance in the past, Well with the changes with the whole Health Care reform i was able to get on my Dads Health Insurance!! (what a relief)

Got looking into the Plan and into doctors and found out that ALL fertility testing was covered and that most treatments were too. (all non surgical testing & treatment)
Found a Doctor at Orem Community OBGYN and Made an appointment!!!
hip hip hooray. excited and anxious all over.
i had no idea how the first appointment would go, what he'd say and or do or NOT do.

had My appointment and it went SO good. We talked and reviewed past medical history, fears, concerns, worries, and every question in the book.

He assured me that the Cycle Day 3 testing i had done about 6 months prior all looked good and normal (when the other doc called with results left a voice message saying all was normal But, still you worry!)

after talking did an exam (i also found out my uterus is Larger than normal((weird)) and than discussed the BIG game plan, Full RPL (repeat pregnancy loss) Blood Testing ((consists of Autoimmune & Blood Clotting Disorders, Lupus ECT.)) if everything looked good and normal start 3 rounds of Clomid with increasing doses each month 50,100,150.

so ecstatic. could NOT be Happier! really thought he'd have me come back in 3 months before doing any testing of treatments! way to go DoC!

SSSSSSSoooooooooooooooooo a few days go by and i find out everything looked fine in the blood testing and i get to start Clomid RIGHT away!
and while typing this i took my 5th and final pill for the month!!

(( this feels really rambled and mushed sorry ))

Clomid has not been bad, slight head ache and WEIRD cracked out dreams that are so Vivid!! waking up and thinking WTF?!?! and tired. nothing major.


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