Tuesday, November 10, 2009


hey so i just realized i haven't posted anything i a REALLY LONG time..

it's really hard when you don't have Kids to post often because there's not much going on.

-- Renzo is now working two full time jobs.
it's really hard not having him home very much i get lonely! He's gone from about 10:30pm-4:00pm the next day!!!

-- and i was Laid Off from the School District in Late August , started working at IN THE PAINT in Springville and only ended up being there for 6 weeks before i was Laid Off there. it's very frustrating!!! -- i was lucky enough to get a Job at Renzos work but, that might just be through the Holidays. *** my fingers are crossed -- i'd like to stay there as long as possible.

sorry it's been so long.. Hope this helps!

1 comment:

James and Cassidee said...

I am glad you updated! I am sorry about the job situation. James has been jumping around jobs since leaving Codale and he finally has something he likes now and it pays the bills most importantly. I think things are starting to pick up so maybe places will be hiring again. One thing that I did learn from James (the only way he has ever gotten a job) is after you turn your resume in you have to keep bugging them, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Get that interview and you will most likely get a job. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.