4th picture in your 4th file...
pretty interesting!!!
pretty interesting!!!

i love this picture of me. it's encouragement for myself...
1. Lose weight... i feel i looked my best here i probably weighed 120 something...
i have a Goal to be around this weight by my birthday...
**JUNE 6th**
may or may not happen
11 weeks... YiKeS
2. Grow my hair out... i love love love my hair LONG!!!
just haven't been able to grow it back out...
I'm hoping by next Christmas it's this long.
i know that's awhile but, I'm going to do it.. haha
here i come Christmas 2010
this is to anyone reading this... I TAG YOU!!!!
find your 4th picture in your 4th file and post it!!!
Your hair looks pretty long! It's funny we both post pictures of our hair long and how we want it again. I'm trying to grow mine back out too! We'll make a deal. The first one to cut their hair has to take the other out for lunch(trims are ok)! what do ya think? I hope it doesn't take too long!
You do not look fat!!
I love your hair though it is sooo long! I'm Jealous!
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