- What is your husbands name?
well... my SOON to be husbands name is Renzo Rodrigo Dessens
- How long have you been together?
3 years & 9 days! ;)
- Who eats more?
uh... he does but, i do sometimes... depends what we're eating
- Who said I love you first?
uh that was me. you know when your mom takes you shopping and you say " thanks i love you " well that's what i did after a 150$ trip to AMERICAN EAGLE. Whoops! he said he had to go... haha. then a few days later he we really said it.
- Who is taller?
He is by far & i wish i was a few inches taller
- Who has more speeding tickets?
- Who is smarter?
He is... But, i can be real smart too i just have to try... HA.HA.
- Who is more sensitive?
Deffinatly ME!
- Who does the laundry?
I do... But, he will if i ask him to.
- Who does the dishes?
we both do... but, i HATE the DIRTY DISHES
- Who sleeps on the right?
if you're looking @ the bed i do.
- Who pays the bills?
we both do.
- Who mows the lawn?
we don't have a lawn... but, i'm sure he would. and i don't mind doing it.
- Who cooks dinner?
That would be ME!
- Who drives when you are together?
He does.
- Who is more stubborn?
i think we both have our very very stubborn moments.
- Who kissed whom first?
I kissed Him... weird huh.
- Who asked who out first?
he did.
- Who proposed?
He did.
- Who has more siblings?
i did untill like 3 weeks ago... now it's the same.
His Dad and Stepmom just had another baby... CRAZY!
so i haven't had the internet for awhile so i am way behind on all this stuff!don't worry i'll post pics of everything REAL soon... just wait... haha!anyways i've been Tagged a few times and i thought i would do them and not be a poor sport!The rules are: Each player lists 6 habits/facts about themselves. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 peoples and post's their names, and then goes to their blogs and post's a comments letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.one - I Love to Sleep in and Renzo hates it. He'll call me if i don't have to work at 8 and be like GET UP... NOW!!! haha... if i could i'd sleep in till 9:30am every morning if i could!two - i absoultly hate working but, i think it was more or less the job i just kinda QUiT... WALKERS was and is a big pain in the butt. it wore me out. and the worst part was Renzo was working for 8am-5pm mon-fri and i worked 5 random days 3pm-11:30pm... When were we supposed to see each other....? UGH!three - I am very much so probably one of the BiGGEST PROCRASTANOTERS in the world. I wait till the very last minute to do anything & everything. I Have gotten better but, i still catch myself every once in awhile!four - I don't really like to sit around. I swear the second Renzo gets home i ask what were doing.. and can we go here or there... I'm suprised he has stuck around... cuz, saturday mornings we always have stuff to do since we're both home. and the second i wake up i'm all LETS GO! i feel bad!five - I hate doing the dishes. I would do everything else for the rest of our lives if i never had to touch the dang dirty dishes... six - i have a very weak stomach! and it's so bad! The second i see anything that looks gross or smell something bad... i GAG!! Even when i'm brushing my TEETH!and i Tag...
Tiffiney , Lindsay, Sarah, Elizabeth, Emily.Thanks CASS!